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To the Home Secretary,


We, the undersigned Members of Parliament, write to express our strong and unequivocal support for the proposal to donate immigration boats currently held in Dover to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for medical evacuation purposes on the Dnipro River.


Addressing a Critical Need:


The ongoing war in Ukraine has created a desperate need for efficient and reliable transportation for wounded soldiers to reach medical care. With limited resources and fierce fighting concentrated around the Dnipro River, the Ukrainian Armed Forces face immense challenges in evacuating casualties from the east bank. These boats, once repurposed and upgraded by Ukrainian engineers, have the potential to become lifelines, saving countless lives and alleviating the immense suffering caused by this war.


Ukrainians Prepared and Capable:


While concerns about seaworthiness are understandable, we acknowledge the Ukrainian Armed Forces' commitment and expertise in adapting vessels to their specific needs. They have expressed their full willingness to take responsibility for repairs and modifications, ensuring that the boats meet their operational requirements. Their engineers possess extensive experience in maritime operations and are confident in their ability to make these boats suitable for medical evacuation on the Dnipro.


Cost-Effective Solution for the UK:


Donating these boats to the Ukrainian MOD offers a cost-effective solution for the UK. Storing and eventually disposing of these vessels generates ongoing expenses, while their transfer to Ukraine could alleviate this burden and potentially generate cost savings through avoided disposal costs. Additionally, the positive international relations fostered by this act of humanitarian support could lead to further economic benefits in the long run.


Urgent Call to Action:


Therefore, we urge the Home Office to seriously consider this proposal and take immediate action to:


  • Facilitate the swift transfer of suitable boats to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Streamlining the administrative and logistical processes is crucial to ensuring a timely response to this urgent need.

  • Work collaboratively with relevant stakeholders, including the Ukrainian government and international partners, to ensure a smooth and efficient handover process. Transparency and cooperation are essential for building trust and maximising the impact of this initiative.


 Sending a Powerful Message:


By demonstrating support for Ukraine in this practical and timely manner, the UK can not only save lives but also send a powerful message of solidarity and unwavering commitment to humanitarian values. This action aligns with the principles of our nation and reflects the shared desire to stand with the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom and independence.


We, the undersigned, therefore sign this letter in full support of the proposed donation of unused immigration boats to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.




 [List of MP signatories]

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